Between The Rig
Welcome to Between The Rig, a podcast hosted by PUSH Box CrossFit. We're all about fitness and bringing you direct opinions wrapped in humor and a touch of "Did they really just say that?" We aim to help you understand more about coaching, gym ownership, and what it takes to get the most out of your fitness, mindset, and lifestyle, both inside and outside the gym.
If you want to learn more about PUSH Box CrossFit or want to ask us any questions, head to pushboxfitness.com.
Between The Rig
The Four Pillars Of CrossFit: Brand, Methodology, Community, Sport - Episode 18
Aidan, Caroline, and Josh are discussing CrossFit's four pillars: brand, methodology, community, and sport. They are exploring how these pillars can align seamlessly, but also lead to confusion and interference for both outsiders and insiders. Josh shares the news about his new baby girl, while Caroline expresses her belief that everybody loves lavender. Aidan is still on the hunt for sponsors...he's not picky.